
For an updated list of publications, please refer to my Google Scholar page.

  1. T. Barakbayeva, S. Farokhnia, A.K. Goharshady, P. Li, Z. Lin
    Improved Gas Optimization of Smart Contracts
    International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering, FSEN 2025

  2. T. Barakbayeva, S. Farokhnia, A.K. Goharshady, M. Gufler, S. Novozhilov
    Pixiu: Optimal Block Production Revenues on Cardano
    IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2024a

  3. S. Farokhnia, A.K. Goharshady
    Options and Futures Imperil Bitcoin’s Security
    IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2024b

  4. Z. Cai, S. Farokhnia, A.K. Goharshady, S. Hitarth
    Asparagus: Automated Synthesis of Parametric Gas Upper-bounds for Smart Contracts
    ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2023

  5. S. Farokhnia, A.K. Goharshady
    Reducing the Gas Usage of Ethereum Smart Contracts without a Sidechain
    IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, ICBC 2023

  6. S. Farokhnia, A.K. Goharshady
    Alleviating High Gas Costs by Secure and Trustless Off-chain Execution of Smart Contracts
    ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2023

Under Submissions